Preventing and countering violent extremism
Preventing and Countering Violent Extremism
Strategic Goal
v To establish an environment that builds resilience to extremist narratives where the youth are empowered and included as drivers of change to prevent violent extremism and promote peaceful co-existence in Nigeria and West-African region.
Strategic Objective
v To significantly reduce the rate of grooming and recruitment of persons into violent extremist groups
v To improve the socio-economic lives of Persons in at-risk regions.
v To build trust between persons and security agencies
v To encourage human intelligence sharing.
1. Sensitization campaign against Violent extremists narratives
2. Initiation of livelihood support activities in at-risk regions
3. Signing of MoU’s and frequent engagement with key security stakeholders
4. Trust building initiatives between communities and security agencies
1. Increased awareness on the repercussions and dangers related to engaging in violent extremist activities.
2. Economic and social prosperity of at-risk persons to counter incentivization from violent extremist groups.
3. Seamless and productive working relationships with stakeholders to aid the attainment of goals and objectives.
4. Heightened community resilience to violence extremism narratives.
Ideological, radical, religious and socio-cultural narratives have been contorted to push the agenda of extremist activities and movements across Nigeria and Africa at large. Structural issues such as lack of inclusion, poor education, unemployment and poverty, lack of infrastructure and sustainable means of livelihood contribute to the driving factors behind violent extremism. Hence, resolving the contextual problem of Violent extremism and extremist activities requires a holistic and all-hands-on-deck approach and as such, AYGF is committed to developing initiatives and advocacy efforts that seek to address and curb the menace that is Violent extremism.
AYGF has developed a campaign on violent extremism tagged “Campaign Against Violent Extremism” which is a community-based initiative targeted at at-risk youth and women between the age of 15-35 years in the North-East region in Nigeria. The goal of the campaign is to curb recruitment into violent extremist groups through awareness creation, early detection trainings and livelihood empowerment initiatives. The campaign at its core, adopts deep community engagement and advocacy with youth and community leaders, women and security agencies in the bid to gain increased local contextual understanding to ensure the beneficiaries’ needs are being met. Furthermore, strategic advocacy is equally being conducted with relevant government stakeholders to ensure the key campaign messages and objectives reach the appropriate authorities to support policy advocacy efforts and social and behavioral change communication regarding the spread of hate-speech, misinformation, grooming and recruitment in violent extremist organizations.
In 2005, AYGF organized the 1st African Youth Development Conference in collaboration with the defunct Federal Ministry of Cooperation and Integration in Africa, Institute for Peace and Conflict Resolution, National Commission for Refugees, Federal Radio Corporation of Nigeria, Mr. Biggs, with delegation form all the African Countries.
The International Conference brought together youth leaders from across the continent to discuss on issues of continental peace, security, good governance, cooperation and integration from the perspective of the youths.
Also in the year 2006, AYGF held the 2nd African Youth Development Conference; again in collaboration with the Ministry of Cooperation and Integration in Africa. The success and participation was double of the 2005 edition. Over 20 conferences have been facilitated by AYGF.